Digital Resources

Conquering Fear
Daniel Kolenda / Reinhard Bonnke
Is a 60-day Devotional featuring carefully selected messages from the writings of Evangelists Daniel Kolenda and Reinhard Bonnke. Every day has a message containing faith-building keys and principles from the Bible that you will be able to immediately apply.

Gifts for a King
Kolenda Kids
When the baby Jesus was born in Bethlehem, wise men called Magi came from far away just to worship Him and give Him presents. Written for the young-at-heart, Gifts for a King recounts in simple, engaging language the history that led to that first Christmas and shares why Jesus was and still is worth seeking. It’s a true holiday story for the whole family!

Slaying Dragons
Daniel Kolenda
The supernatural realm is very real, and it directly impacts our day-to-day lives. Often spiritual battles lie behind our everyday struggles. Though the spiritual world is invisible, we are not unaware of the enemy’s schemes.

Aplastarás dragones
Daniel Kolenda
El reino sobrenatural es muy real e impacta directamente nuestras vidas cotidianas. Y no solo eso, sino que a veces está detrás de nuestras batallas diarias. Aunque el reino espiritual es invisible, estamos conscientes de las estrategias del enemigo.

Unlocking the miraculous
Daniel Kolenda
Unlocking the Miraculous contains power-filled chapters such as Prayer that Opens Doors, Praying Under an Open Heaven and Prayer that Releases the Miraculous and much more. It is studded with spiritual truths and the insights of a man who knows that there are no limits to what God can do if we, his children, come before him in prayer.

La llave a lo milagroso
Daniel Kolenda
La llave a lo milagroso a través de la fe y la oración vincula el ardiente corazón de un evangelista con el peso del corazón de un intercesor. De principio a fin es ameno, impactante, un desafío profético al pueblo de Dios para que responda al llamado a la fe y la intercesión en estas horas, las más urgentes de la historia. La llave a lo milagroso contiene capítulos llenos de poder, como La oración que abre puertas, Orando bajo un cielo abierto, y La oración que nos trae los milagros, y mucho más.

The Judgment Seat of Christ
Daniel Kolenda
Rediscover the amazing TRUTHS that surround the Judgment Seat of Christ – one of the great forgotten treasures of Scripture. It is a theme central to the doctrine of the New Testament authors and especially to Jesus Christ Himself. Yet it is often missing in modern preaching and teaching.

El Tribunal De Cristo
Daniel Kolenda
Vuelva a descubrir las asombrosas VERDADES que rodean el Tribunal de Cristo, uno de los grandes tesoros olvidados de la Escritura. Es un tema central para la doctrina de los autores del Nuevo Testamento, y en especial para Jesucristo mismo. Sin embargo, con frecuencia se pasa por alto en la predicación y enseñanza modernas.

By Life or by Death
Winfried Wentland
Millions are receiving Christ as their Lord and Savior in unprecedented Gospel outreaches across what was once called ‘The Dark Continent.’ Some of these crusades have been the largest recorded gatherings of mankind in human history. Behind it all are tales of determination, courage, danger, drama, and practical aspects that make it all happen.

Freedom from Debt
Daniel Kolenda
This book is filled with real hope and promise for your financial wellbeing! If you long for financial freedom, if you want to live a debt-free life and begin to move into financial abundance, Freedom from Debt will get you started! More than a book to read, it is an interactive journey leading you into a transforming encounter with God’s Word and effective prayer.

Libertad de la Deuda
Daniel Kolenda
Está lleno de verdadera esperanza y promesa para su bienestar financiero. Si anhela libertad financiera, si quiere vivir una vida libre de deuda y comenzar a avanzar hacia la abundancia financiera, ¡Libertad de la Deuda le situará en el camino!

Holy Spirit: Are We Flammable Or Fireproof?
Reinhard Bonnke
Are you flammable or fireproof? In this opus about the Holy Spirit, Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke gives you the secret to his success-the fire of the Holy Spirit. Bonnke has compiled some of the greatest uncompromising truths about the Holy Spirit that have been at the cornerstone of his ministry for over 50 years. Birthed in critical times and seasons on the mission field, these truths-Holy Spirit Fire Points-capture deep lessons about the Holy Spirit that are non-negotiable for the believer or minister desiring to move in the supernatural power and gifts of the Holy Spirit.

Espiritu Santo: Somos inflamables o prueba de fuego?
Reinhard Bonnke
La publicación más nueva de Bonnke ya está creando emoción entre los seguidores del ministerio CfaN con su presentación única de perlas de verdad sobre el Espíritu Santo llamadas “puntos de fuego”, seguidos por exposiciones breves. Prolífico escritor de libros éxitos de venta como “Living a Life of Fire” (Vivir una vida de poder) y “El Espíritu Santo: Revelación y Revolución”, Bonnke dice que el propósito de esta última adición a sus crónicas es ayudar a seguidores que puede que estén batallando, y su preocupación es palpable.

The Mystery Of The Magi
Daniel Kolenda
In The Mystery Of The Magi, Evangelist Daniel Kolenda gives you a powerful, inspiring and insightful teaching on the Christmas story, bringing a unique perspective to these particular participants. He explores the history and roots of the Magi, explaining their role and significance to the Christmas story.

Into the Unknown
Peter Vandenberg
“The greatest adventure of my life has been to follow the call of God.” For over 50 years, Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke’s ministry has ignited the preaching of the Gospel of Jesus Christ around the globe with signs following of healings, miracles, and crusades recording multiplied millions upon millions of decisions for Christ. Behind the machinery that powered Bonnke’s crusades into phenomenal success is the little-known story of Peter Vandenberg.

Hacia lo Desconocido
Peter Vandenberg
Hacia lo desconocido es un testimonio real de aventura en el evangelio de una vida dedicada a seguir el propósito de Dios. Es una historia de riesgo, de peligro por territorios traicioneros, de intervención milagrosa y sobrenatural, provisión divina y, sobre todo, de la fidelidad de Dios.

Wilderness Survival GUIDE
Daniel Kolenda
The wilderness is a hard place. But it’s as crucial for our lives as it is painful. While a desert season feels terribly wrong, and loneliness and despair may seem to reign, God is with you and He desires to use the wilderness for your eternal good. To reap its benefits, however, you must understand its nature and purpose. That’s the reason for this book.

Carlos Annacondia
Full of personal stories, scriptural insights, and practical guidelines, this book will inspire you to embrace humility and partner with the Holy Spirit. When you do, you’ll see His Kingdom change your life and the lives of those you love.

The Boy Whose Life Touched Millions
Reinhard Bonnke
What does a circus, a ship, and a dance hall for teens have in common? God used each one of them to set Reinhard Bonnke on course for a very special mission: to share the love of Jesus with millions of people around the world. The Boy Whose Life Touched Millions tells the real-life adventures that Reinhard Bonnke faced along his journey from post-war Germany to the mission-fields of Africa.

El niño cuya vida tocó a millones
Reinhard Bonnke
¿Qué tienen en común un circo, un barco y un salón de baile para adolescentes? Dios usó a cada uno de ellos para poner a Reinhard Bonnke en el rumbo de una misión muy especial: compartir el amor de Jesús con millones de personas en todo el mundo.

Godly Gems
Reinhard Bonnke
From the dawn of recorded history, humans have traversed continents and faced great obstacles in search of wealth. Yet, ancient Israel’s King Solomon wrote, “Sell everything and buy Wisdom! Forage for Understanding! Above all and before all, do this: Get Wisdom!” (Proverbs 4:5 – MSG). The greatest fortune on earth pales in comparison to godly wisdom.

Gemas Divinas
Reinhard Bonnke
Gemas Divinas ofrece al lector sabiduría clara, concisa y practica que puede aplicarse inmediatamente a los retos de la vida. ¡Esta gema de libro es perfecto para cualquiera que quiera enriquecerse a si mismo con verdaderos tesoros celestiales!

Reckless Love
Daniel Kolenda
In Reckless Love, Evangelist Daniel Kolenda captures and communicates the passion of a Prodigal God, longing for His children to come home. This slim, accessible volume was written with yet-to-be Christ-followers in mind. It employs everyday language, pop-culture references, and personal stories to convey eternal principles to great effect.

Amor Extravagante
Daniel Kolenda
Alguien te dio AMOR INCREÍBLE por una razón. Hay un propósito en el trabajo en tu vida ahora más allá de lo que puedas imaginar. Tú lo sabes. Puedes sentirlo. Es como si el universo mismo intentara enviarte un mensaje. Has estado buscando una señal.

God’s Promises for Healing & Hope
Daniel Kolenda
We live in a world that is in more need of hope and healing than ever before. And the only true and lasting source of hope and healing is the one true God, whose Word is full of promises—promises about His faithfulness, His mercy, His grace, His love, and so many other things. Jesus Christ is the Great Physician, and He is on call day and night.

He Is Risen!
Daniel Kolenda
He Is Risen! is a chance for you to take another look at one of the most famous events in history and decide for yourself whether it was fact or fiction. It also a chance for you to consider why the resurrection even matters to you personally, right where you are today.

What’s Next?
Daniel Kolenda
This children’s coloring booklet is a great evangelistic tool that explains the Gospel and includes important first steps as new believers. It shows the plan of salvation for children from all parts of the world.